Secrets of the Stage Volume 1

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with Michelle Joyce


What makes a captivating dancer? A captivating dancer knows how to draw in the audience and takes them on an emotional journey with every movement and expression. A captivating dancer shows us a different way of listening to the music without overpowering it and teaches us that there is beauty in even the simplest movements. A captivating dancer knows how to build drama and set up those "wow" moments.

Unfortunately, most dancers simply focus on the mechanics of their movements and don't train themselves in the art of performing. Many dancers mistakenly think that performance skills cannot be learned and feel frustrated that it does not come naturally.

Having sharp isolations and cute combinations are a result of training your muscles, but incorporating stage presence, emotion and musical awareness into your dance require training of a totally different kind. The exercises in this DVD are uniquely designed to help you become a better performer and to push your dance presentation to the next level.


About Michelle Joyce


Michelle is a highly recognized professional in the world of bellydance. She not only is a professional dancer but also a teacher and a certified personal trainer. She has won multiple bellydance awards and has performed across the globe - but there is no need to travel any further than your own living room to learn authentic bellydance.

In addition to her dance and fitness credentials, Michelle has a Masters in Counseling. She puts her degree to use in DVDs such as Secrets of the Stage, which discusses emotional preparation for performing and addresses common problems such as stage fright.

Michelle actively continues to perform and teach belly dance. She has had the honor of teaching workshops and performing around the world. She is an active member of her local belly dance community and fights to convince the mainstream public that belly dance is a legitimate art form that deserves respect.

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