Bellyqueen - The Bellydance Experience

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Tracklist :

01. Bellyqueen: Nagwa - Modern Egyptian Wings Trio

02. Amar Gamal: Dina Tata - Modern Baladi Solo

03. Kaeshi: Web of the Black Widow - Veil Solo

04. Sandralis: Desert Eclipse - Modern Double Veil Solo

05. Amar Gamal & Kaeshi: Banat Iskandariya - Cabaret Duet

06. Susan Frankovich: Across the Bosphorus - 9/8 Tribal Fusion

07. Fayzah Claudia: Instinct - Fire Solo

08. Bellyqueen: Hip-Pop NYC - BellyPopping Trio

09. Anasma: Beauty and the Beast - Theatrical Dance Solo

10. Amar Gamal & Kaeshi: Off & On - World Fusion Duet

11. Elisheva: Rhythm of the Heart - Beatboxing Drum Solo

12. Amar Gamal: Saher El Sharq - Classical Egyptian Solo

13. Bellyqueen: Jil Al Hadis - Funky Middle-Eastern Jazz


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