Burlesque has always had an element of comedy, from Mae West's bawdy humor to the snappy wit of Gypsy Rose Lee. On this "Burlesque" compilation, however, comedy overwhelms whatever steaminess there's supposed to be. Instead of mood music fit for a night of love, it's better for stand-up routines, drinking games, and driving away unwanted solicitors in its sheer absurdity. The compilation needs the advisory label "Warning:May Cause Celibacy."
Orient Expressions' Eastern-flavored "Lodos" and Julien Ribot's charmingly retro "Nue sur la sofa" (naked upon a sofa) are the sole redeeming tracks. "Mr. Sex", "No Nice Strippers" and "Genital Blow Room" are as sexy&steamy as the raunchy American Pie comedies. By being outright sexual, they lack the sensuality of a Marvin Gaye or Sade. In fact, they'd be perfect for abstinence-only sex ed programs. Monsieur Blumemberg's "Scheherazade Mon Amour" is pseudo-Arabic music while "In three Hands" by Oleg Kostrow has a woman moaning and muttering in Russian. Barth's "Picton Du Bocage" has the sexy lyrics of "I want to read all the books on your shelf." Back in my college days, I knew a couple who wanted to have a sexless marriage solely for each other's libraries. Thanks for the memories. There's the weird reggae trip-hop of Professor Angel Dust's "Lonely Souljah" and Her Majesty's Sound's "I am a lady"--which sounds like a cheesy James Bond soundtrack reject. "Parade" is a pretentious runway track worthy of "Ugly Betty",accompanying the models of Mode. The closing song, Olaf Hund's "Incompletude",sounds like flatulence set to music. Beans, beans, the musical food.
"Seriously Good Music:Burlesque" isn't even serious, or good. If you want erotic, sensual music, go for Enya's "Shepherd Moons" (the "Lothlorien" track sounds worthy of hobbit/elf lovemaking), Azam Ali's "Elysium for the Brave", Niyaz's self-titled debut (especially "Ghazal" and "Minara"), and anything by the Egyptian diva Natacha Atlas or the Brazilian songstress Bebel Gilberto. Erotic, tantric music is out there...this isn't it. Seriously.
Tracklist :
01. Mr. Sex
02. No Nice Strippers (with I Monster)
03. Genital Blow Room (with In Flagranti)
04. Seherezade Mon Amour
05. In Three Hands (V Tri Ruki) - (with Oleg Kostrow, Supersonic Future)
06. Picton du Bocage (with Barth)
07. Lonely Souljah (with Professor Angel Dust)
08. Nue Sur le Sofa (with Julien Ribot)
09. I Am a Lady (with Her Majesty's Sound)
10. Parade (with Francois Elie Roulin)
11. Lodos (with Orient Expressions)
12. Incompletude (with Olaf Hund)