The Hathor Dance Troupe
The HATHOR DANCE TROUPE, named after the ancient Egyptian Goddess of fertility, love, dance and music, was founded by Dr. Mo Geddawi in 1985 in Berlin. The goals of the Hathor Dance Troupe are internationalization of the Egyptian and oriental dances, teach and train Germans and persons of other nationalities living in Germany, who are interested in the Egyptian and Oriental culture, to perform Egyptian and oriental dances in order to show the European public the beauty of these colourfull dances. Also to show Egyptians and Arabs living abroad a peice of their own culture. These goals have been successfully accomplished since 1986 through the many successfull performances during cultural events and festivals.
The Hathor Dance Troupe has performed in famous theaters like Urania theater , Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Ernst-Reuter-Saal in Berlin. The Hathor Dance Troupe has performed also together with the Reda Troupe at Palast Hotel in Berlin (March 1990).
Presently the members of the Hathor Dance Troupe are reckoned among the best dancers and dance teachers of Egyptian and oriental dances.