This excellent show video includes 2 performances by Zahra Zuhair, both
an Orientale performance and a Tunisian dance, East Indian dance by
Meera, American cabaret belly dance performance by Jacqueline Eusanio,
Nubian dance company number by Ya Amar, Melaya Luf by Sahra, a beautiful
performance by Hayat El Helwa of Brazil, modern Egyptian style dances
by Autumn Ward of New York, Jasmin Jahal of Chicago and Shareen El Safy,
editor of Habibi Magazine, exceptional choreography by SeSe?s Dance
Theater, and classic silver screen Egyptian by Bahaia of Texas.
The show
ends with a dynamic performance by Aziza which includes a drum solo
with Amir Sofi.
2 Hours of Wonderful Belly Dancing Performances by
* Autumn Ward
* Aziza
* Bahaia
* Hayat El Helwa
* Jacqueline Eusanio
* Jasmin Jahal
* Meera
* Sahra
* SeSe Dance Theater
* Shareen El Safy
* Ya Amar! Dance Company
* Zahra Zuhair