Soul Nahawnd - Oriental Dance Music

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Kitty’s Soul Nahawnd - produced by Yousry Sharif for Kitty Lam, China

Kitty is an Egyptian Raqs Sharqi (classical Belly Dance) specialist known for her clean and thorough technique and her passion in teaching and preserving the true essence of this ancient but evolving art form. Her choreography is original, beautiful and challenging, and her performances fiery, charismatic and engaging.
She has been teaching and performing in Hong Kong since 1996. She attracts the most students who want to learn the genuine article in Hong Kong. Her classes are intensive, fun and most of all, inspiring.
Kitty is the protégé of Mr. Yousry Sharif, Cairo and New York, a guru known worldwide when it comes to Egyptian Belly Dance. She dances in leading hotels, restaurants and country clubs by appointment.
Recently Kitty was hired by “Cirque du Soleil” to train its Quidam performers and artists on her specialty during their seven- week tour to Hong Kong. She was also invited to be the sole Belly Dancer on the Egyptian scene on “Faust’s Around the World in 80 Days” musical in March 2006 - a nearly sold out extravaganza which critics said delights and entertains like any West End and Broadway production.
Three times per year Kitty has her sabbatical training in Cairo and New York. She tours around South-East Asia for workshops. She is frequently featured in TV documentaries, newspaper articles and lifestyle magazine stories.
This CD is my means of giving back to the dance that has given me so much. Every day I am happy, fulfilled and blessed. I cannot start imagining the month and month of toil that Yousry Sharif and Mr. Affifi must have gone through passionately to make this CD an extraordinary reality. I am more than grateful and immensely indebted to what they have done.
And special thanks go to Nourhan Sharif, who helped to coordinate and facilitate things big and small. Without them I would have a lot more hurdles to trackle.

Produced by Yousry Sharif, this is a CD you won't want to pass up. Featuring outstanding selections of traditional Egyptian style music, including a hot, sassy drum solo with earthy percussion.

Trackist :

01. Raqset Kitty! Oriental

02. Medley
03. Taqsim Rainbow
04. Ya Sah Elwatee Agre
05. Raqset Kitty Finale
06. Samah Huss! Drum Solo
07. Amar El Layali, Oriental (Comp. for Kitty)
08. Khatwa wa Nuss
09. Trilla, Nubian Folk
10. Amar el Layali, Finale


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